Month: March 2023

It’s not as bad as I was thinking it would be. But still, I’m not all that into flying commercially any longer. For sure, I enjoyed flying when it was comfortable and generally more reliable. But for the last couple of decades, flying has been…

My professor, Mr. Smith, had a bit of a clumsy streak. On one cold winter day, he accidentally turned the furnace up instead of down, in his classroom. At first, we didn’t notice. We were too stressed taking notes and chatting with each other. But…

My girlfriend and I were hanging out in my apartment. I have an apartment on the second floor of the building. There is one floor above me and one floor below me. I know my neighbor that lives directly below me, because he smokes recreational…

My man plus I were hanging out in my apartment, and i have an house on the second floor of the building, but there is one floor above me plus one floor below me. I know my friend that lives directly below me, because he…

I seem to be the guy that just buys roofs for people, and i was in the process of selling my household and moving into another arena, and when I was selling my household the purchasers were sad about the roof, however they wanted a…

My lady and I were hanging out in my apartment, i have an household on the second floor of the building, then there is one floor above me and one floor below me. I know my neighbor that lives directly below me, because she smokes…