Sitting on the heating and cooling money

For the past five months, I’ve watched as my stock has reached a new low.

I’m curious to see what happens next.

Stocks typically don’t remain stagnant in value for long periods of time, and this particular stock has done so for close to half a year. However, given the recent developments at the company, I anticipate a price shift in the near future. In the end, I expect to make money from this endeavor; it may take another six months or even a few years. After my father, a heating and air conditioning sales representative nearly lost all of his money through arduous investing, I discovered this hidden gem and am now sitting on the heating and cooling cash investment like a hen waiting for her eggs to hatch. If it takes another decade, I won’t worry about it at all; I’ll just let it sit and be forgotten until it reaches the point I’m sure it will one afternoon. The money my father saved at his local business and gave to me may one day be worth ten times what he got for it when he sold the Heating and Air Conditioning company before he moved on, but in the meantime, I’m not going to let a temporary dip in the market discourage me from riding the wave until I’ve made back every penny and then some. I know I’ll get that money back one afternoon for the same reason that my media room air purifier turns on every afternoon. And just like the reliable hum of my media room air purifier, I remain confident that my investment will eventually bring a breath of fresh financial success, no matter how long it takes.

heating and cooling DeSoto Texas