Up on the roof again

Although my life has changed a lot since I went to college, back in my early days I was a big city kid.

I was born and raised in one of the deepest, darkest slums in the biggest city in the state.

I never saw green grass or trees except for on television. I thought smog was normal for every kid. Thank goodness I got out of that place, and got to see more of the world, because I have to say the slum is a depressing place. Back then the only respite and peace I ever found was on the roof with my pigeon coop. Then one day a roofing company was hired to replace the entire roof, and I had to let them go. Actually I know I’m lucky, because the roofing contractor was a cool guy and gave me some time to let the pigeons go and take down the coop. Another roofing contractor might have just opened the door of the coop or simply killed all the birds. I know that the roofing company wasn’t to blame, it was the owner of the building. Truth be told, the roof replacement wasn’t needed, because the roof of the building was still in perfect condition. I think the owners called for a roof replacement simply to get rid of me and my pigeons. After I left the city and went to college, I still had a soft spot in my heart for roofing, and would often sit on top of my dormitory building to look at the stars.
commercial roofing contractor