Month: May 2023

I eat so many bananas every week that I sometimes start to resemble a monkey. I estimate that I consume around ten bananas per week, which is very close to the amount a healthy monkey consumes. I keep one by my bed and eat it…

I didn’t bring any peaches to work today, so my apple and kefir for lunch will have to do without their usual peachy complement. Riding my bike over to the nearby fruit stand, I think I’ll pick up a peach. Luckily, I think I’ve spotted…

I believe my life will be changing in a few months for the better. It looks like my friend and I are going to get into some clubs on a weekly basis to play gigs and finally start earning some good money. Our plan is…

To be honest, I think it’s probably time for me to call it quits and put away my volleyball shoes. I didn’t start participating in sports until I was 25 years old, and now that I’m turning 56, my body is telling me to stop.…

I had a minor setback this afternoon when the water and power went out, but I’m back on track and getting my work done for the day. You don’t appreciate water and power until they’re gone, and wow, am I glad it’s back on again.…