I Didn’t Have My Condenser Coils Cleaned For Years

I didn’t know that the HVAC professional I was hiring to service my HVAC system wasn’t cleaning the HVAC equipment as well.

I assumed cleaning the HVAC equipment was a part of the price I was paying twice per year.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case and I had to find out the hard way. My furnace was running at all hours of the day and my energy bill was rising each month, despite the fact that I was having my HVAC system serviced like normal. None of the HVAC professionals that came ever told me about an issue with my furnace, so it was odd that my energy bill was rising. I had to hire an HVAC professional to come examine my furnace in between my biannual servicings to tell me what was wrong with my furnace. When the HVAC professional arrived, I told him how I was diligent about having my HVAC system serviced but I was still having problems with my furnace and the energy bill. After looking around, he told me that my condenser coils were dirty and they needed to be cleaned. This shocked me because my last HVAC appointment was a month ago! The HVAC professional told me that most HVAC companies didn’t cover HVAC cleaning during a general service. It was a separate fee and it was recommended to be cleaned at least twice per year. I couldn’t believe that I’d gone so long without having my HVAC equipment cleaned. There’s no telling how much dirt was coating my condenser coils, slowing down the efficiency of my HVAC system completely.

Air conditioning filter