Trying trenchless pipe lining for the home renovation

When I bought this old house, I knew it was a fixer-upper. To quote an expression from the house-flippers on TV, this house had good bones. That means the core structure of it was in good shape, even though a lot of renovations needed to be done. My partner Sam and I made a long list of everything we would need to do, but for some reason we both overlooked the importance of plumbing repair and sewer line repair. Out of sight, out of mind was the cause, I suppose, because of all the repairs I could see with the naked eye, I neglected to look deeper and think about the plumbing. Another thing I overlooked was how much plumbing service would cost. When it comes to hanging drywall, replacing windows, or putting new shingles on the roof Sam and I can do it all – but neither one of us are experienced with plumbing. Sam had an old pal who was working as a plumber, so he came over to give us an inspection and a cost estimate. While he was here, the plumber mentioned something to us called trenchless plumbing, or trenchless pipe lining. This is a cool innovation in plumbing that threads a pipe line through the middle of the existing pipes or sewer lines. It is faster and cheaper than conventional plumbing replacement, but not without its own risks. Sam and I are going to take a gamble and go for the trenchless plumbing right away, because we need a working system ASAP. I will let you know how it works out for us.


Plumbing replacement