Month: April 2023

I can’t guess that I’m getting a new window air conditioner this week! I know some people might not think much of it, after all it’s not super extravagant it’s just a window air conditioner, although I have never had an air conditioner that’s portable…

If there’s one thing I certainly love doing it’s going out to eat, but going out to eat has regularly been one of my preferred activities. If I am going to celebrate something with friends, I go out to eat. If I go on a…

I cannot know that I am getting a modern window A/C this week! I know some people might not feel much of it, after all it’s not super costly it’s just a window A/C, despite the fact that I have never had an A/C that…

Yesterday I was walking around the back side of my building to take out my trash. I always hate taking out the trash because it’s such a long walk to the trash can, or the dumpster as it is technically called. Anyways it’s always such…

I was in an house complex plus my buddy and I have a pretty large dumpster where I live, but every morning I pass by this dumpster on my way to work, but i know that sounds unusual to pass by a dumpster everyday but…

The devices look like your official cooler plus it uses ice or chilly water that runs over coils to cool the air that it dispenses out. As the temperature always reaches record highs, it’s comforting to know that I have air conditioning in my home.…