Another level of air conditioning savings

So saving on air conditioning is a lot more fun than I thought.

That sounds like I’m a person in desperate need of a life right? But honestly, it’s sort of like working out.

The more I got into saving on cooling costs during the blast furnace of a Summer, the more I got into it. That’s exactly what happened when I decided to focus on my health. For way too many years, I went from sitting all day in the commercial HVAC of the office to sitting all night in the air conditioning of my living room. This is a routine that I did over and over countless times. Even had I been eating good food and drinking water the whole time, that’s still far too sedentary a way to live. Of course, I was not putting healthy stuff inside of me at all. Actually, it was quite the opposite as I scarfed down whatever I wanted and followed that up with sodas and beer. But once I got myself into the commercial HVAC of the gym and started making the small, everyday decisions that made a difference, I got into it. Now, I’m actually the most fit I’ve been in my life. So it’s no wonder that after a few years of doing the basics when it comes to saving on air conditioning, I’m now into it. For instance, I’m going to take the cooling savings strategy to a new level this Summer. No more heating up the house with the stove or the oven. I’m cooking all Summer on the grill and that’s going to make a difference in our cooling costs.

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