Couldn’t get by without cooling comfort from heat pump

I love the Spring.

But probably not as much as I love the Winter.

For my friends living way up north, that must sound absolutely ludicrous. But where I live, my favorite season is probably Winter. Still, it’s a toss up between Fall, Spring and Winter because they are all pretty dang wonderful. I love living in the land of the heat pump and if I never see another gas furnace, that’s fine with me. That said, Summer here is not my favorite season. I can say that unequivocally. And with Spring, comes the very real understanding that the next season up is a scorching one. So that’s why I called the HVAC company yesterday to make the HVAC maintenance appointment. When it comes to air conditioning, that is an absolute must around here. From June through September, the heat pump is running night and day. I make sure that I do plenty of prep on the house to ensure that it’s got a really tight seal to maximize the heat pump’s efficiency. This goes a long way toward keeping the cooling costs reasonable. The air conditioning tune up from the HVAC professionals also makes a big difference in the efficiency of the heat pump. Proper HVAC maintenance is a way of keeping the heat pump in great operating condition and working at its most efficient. I’m still trying to keep the windows open in the house right now. The Spring weather is still really nice. But in a month, I’ll be closing up the house and keeping it closed. The heat pump will be doing its thing as the thermostat will be left on cooling at that point. So I’m going to enjoy every bit of this weather before Summer hits.

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