We have been having weird weather

The weather has been super weird this year, especially this fall, however I like the temperature.

I just can’t seem to decide one way or the other what it wants to be.

It is driving me crazy because I was so happy for the weather to start cooling off. I hate the summer season, and the whole fact that we are having high temperatures late into the fall is just making me mad. Everyone is out enjoying the hot weather in November, even though I am mad about it. I am still having to use my air conditioning in my house, and it is long past time for me to have to do that. I had to run the air conditioning almost nonstop while in the Spring and the summer season, and I thought I was entirely going to have to sell my house because of it! The cooling bills were so high around here that I was really happy about the fact that it was gonna start cooling off; However, that has not been the case for me at all. I still have not gotten any relief at all from the high temperatures, and it is almost the middle of November at this point! It’s just not right. It has to start cooling off around here soon or I’m just gonna have to sell the house and move away, then maybe if I move further north, it will be colder on a general basis. I think that pretty much everyone would think that I am crazy for not enjoying the mild temperatures, even though I am just so hot natured that I can’t stand the fact that it is still hot outside.



help with indoor comfort