Month: December 2023

I grew up in beautiful South America where my parents were missionaries. I had a pretty cool childhood filled with lots of adventures that many children don’t get to experience. I always thought that I would marry someone from the States and move back south…

I was always on of those teenagers who said I would never own a minivan when I had kids. Of course, I now have three kids and drive a minivan. I literally hate the looks of minivans, but they are just too practical to ignore.…

Sometimes, we have to learn the hard way to be thankful for our blessing, and that’s what happened to me. A few weeks ago, my husband and I were lying in bed when we realized that the house was a little colder than usual. It…

I love the cool mornings and crip air of Autumn. To be honest, I really enjoy every season of the year except for the Spring. Springtime used to be my favorite time of the year because of the start of new life and all of…

One of my favorite past times is simply observing God’s beautiful creation. Whether it’s a summer’s beautiful sunset, or a winter’s snowy wonderland, I can’t seem to get enough of the earth’s beauty. I have some nice trails behind my house that I like to…

I can’t tell you how much I absolutely love cooking! When I was a child, I cooked alongside my mother. There were seven kids in the family and six of them were boys, so there always had to be plenty of food at each meal.…