Working on a landing page for a heating company

I have been copywriting for different companies for a while now. I enjoyed writing, and one of the topics I had come to love and show interest in was heating equipment. My boss requested that I write a landing page copy for the biggest heating companies in the country. Some keywords had to be in the article, including heating maintenance and HVAC installation. Even though I had heard a lot about the company, I did due diligence in researching more about it. I discovered that the company was the mother of several heating dealerships in the country. They also had a unique apprentice program for training their HVAC professionals. The program produced highly qualified heating technicians in the industry. The company was looking to advertise the new thermostat in the market. One of the top brands introduced this heating device and distributed it to various heating dealers in the country. The landing page was to advertise the new equipment to our customers. The copy is needed to show the product’s benefits, including that it is compatible with most electric heaters and fireplaces in the heating industry. The document was 800 words, and I would have a call to action for the customers redirecting them to purchase the equipment from them. The research took me a week, and the article took about three days. I showed my engineer friend when he came to change my furnace’s air filters. Having had a heating repair career of six years, he gave the article a thumbs up. The company loved the copy; after a few corrections, they posted it on their website. After that article, I got several referrals that put my name on the top of the heating industry’s radar.


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