Month: April 2023

When I got promoted, I would sometimes help the junior heating technicians when they went for heating maintenance jobs. I preferred to work with the juniors to keep up with the heating technology. After some time, joining them in the heating repair jobs became impossible…

Every week, I attend a rehearsal at my friend’s house. We met as friends and usually hosted upcoming neo-soul musicians to market their music at the show. The concert is typically small and polite, with about fifty people or fewer. After being locked apart for…

I work night security at a large property where there is a plumbing, heating, and AC repair business. The grounds for the business are quite large and I have to patrol the area on a small golf cart. I take my dogs with me every…

I had the machine for a whole month and I never bothered to clean any of the three air filters on the machine I bought a portable air conditioning system for the garage. There was a sale at the hardware store on all of the…

My little sibling Jason is spending the week with me because he has a convention in the neighborhood that I live in; Typically, when he comes to visit, he stays for a weekend plus then leaves to go back home, then but this time, he…